
Winter Woolly, Website Overhaul, and Renovations

Mark your calendars for the second annual Winter Woolly — February 10th and 11th, 2018! We’re partnering up with winter event veterans — MTBVT, who have brought you Überwintern and WinterBike! This two-day event will be jam-packed with fun — downhill Fat Bikes laps, a traditional downhill race, vendors, backyard campfires, beer garden, and live music from the Dusty Gray Band!

The vendor village will be set-up in the backyard with demo bikes available. The Highland Bike Shop will be open all weekend long. All of our Fat Bikes for Saturday, Feb. 10th have been rented out for the day, however, please reach out to our partner shops here or your local bike shop to see about rentals in your area.

This year we have updated our bike trays on the lift allowing them to hold most tires up to 5″. This will help get more fat bikers to the top quicker. Fat bikes with wider tire/rim combos can still hang their bikes.  



7:00am — Demo Area Opens
8:00am — Registration // Lodge Opens
9:00am — Lift Starts Swinging
                  Vendor Village Opens
                  Downhill Race Practice Begins
12:00pm — Downhill Race Begins
4:00pm — Lift Closes
5:00pm — Après Party & Awards Begins
7:30pm — Dusty Gray Band


8:00am — Lodge Opens
9:00am — Lift Starts Swinging
                  Limited Vendor Village Opens
4:00pm — Lift Closes


Over the last year, Highland’s website has been undergoing a major face-lift. On December 20th, we launched the new and improved Highland Mountain Bike Park website!

The Highland Lodge is undergoing some major renovations during this off-season. We have new flooring going down, New TVs and more beers on tap! The Kitchen is also getting a major overhaul, inside and out. Keep an eye out for the opening of the Highland Pub next month!
